
We're seasoned counselors who understand the nuanced complexities of insurance policies. Let us assess your insurance program to make sure you have the coverage you need.
Insurance Program Review + Analysis
Clients hire us to help them understand their policies and evaluate the effectiveness of their risk-transfer tools. We tailor our services to our clients’ specific needs, from single policy reviews to comprehensive insurance program examinations.
Sample Engagements
- An airline client engaged us to analyze 30 risk scenarios against its cyber policies, testing the coverage for each scenario, spotting gaps and limitations on coverage, and making recommendations for consideration by the client and its insurance broker.
- A quasi-governmental entity with annual revenue in excess of $1 billion engaged us to review all aspects of its insurance program, including cyber, directors and officers liability (D&O), commercial general liability (CGL), commercial property, commercial automobile, and workers compensation. In conjunction with evaluating the client’s policies, we also reviewed the insurance and indemnity requirements in several vendor contracts. The analysis included risk roundtables with subject-matter experts in engineering, IT, marketing, and operations to identify risks the client sought to transfer to its insurers and vendors. We then worked with the client’s brokers, consultants, management, and legal and risk departments to address concerns and make recommendations.