Top Ten D&O Mistakes :: UT Law CLE Corporate Counsel Institute 2014
By Amy Stewart Law
The week of April 28, 2014, Amy Elizabeth Stewart is slated to address attendees at the UT Law CLE Corporate Counsel Institute 2014 on current issues in directors and officers liability insurance. Stewart, along with Kara Altenbaumer-Price of USI Southwest, will present "Top Ten D&O Insurance Mistakes," focusing on common management liability insurance issues faced by corporate insureds. Drawing from, their own experience working with policyholders, Stewart and Altenbaumer-Price will provide practical advice and effective strategies for avoiding surprises and coverage failures.
UT Law's 36th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute will take place on May 1-2 at the Four Seasons in Houston, Texas. The "Top Ten D&O Insurance Mistakes" session provides 0.75 hours of MCLE credit and is scheduled for a new time, on Thursday, May 1 at 8:45 a.m.